This fascinating book contains the second part of the 'Manual of New England Ornithology', having been revised and edited from the manuscript of Winfrid A. Stearns, and concerning itself chiefly with non-oscine passeres, birds of prey, game, and water birds. A great book for discerning ornithologists with an interest in the birds of New England, this antique text contains chapters on: Flycatchers, Whippoorwills and Night-Hawks, Swifts, Kingfishers, Cuckoos, Woodpeckers, Owls, Hawks, American Vultures, Pigeons, Turkeys, Grouse, Partridge, Plovers, Oyster-catchers, Phalaropes, Snipe, Ibises, Herons, et cetera. This text has been elected for modern republication due to its educational value, and is proudly republished here with a new introduction to ornithology
February 06, 2013
New England Bird Life - Being a Manual of New England Ornithology - Part II. Non-Oscine Passeres, Birds of Prey, Game and Water Birds
This fascinating book contains the second part of the 'Manual of New England Ornithology', having been revised and edited from the manuscript of Winfrid A. Stearns, and concerning itself chiefly with non-oscine passeres, birds of prey, game, and water birds. A great book for discerning ornithologists with an interest in the birds of New England, this antique text contains chapters on: Flycatchers, Whippoorwills and Night-Hawks, Swifts, Kingfishers, Cuckoos, Woodpeckers, Owls, Hawks, American Vultures, Pigeons, Turkeys, Grouse, Partridge, Plovers, Oyster-catchers, Phalaropes, Snipe, Ibises, Herons, et cetera. This text has been elected for modern republication due to its educational value, and is proudly republished here with a new introduction to ornithology