Magazine. Fiction. Art. THE OPEN FACE SANDWICH, VOLUME 2 is a smorgasbord of the ecstatic and deviant with a dollop of blood pudding on top. In it we serve up work by award-winning playwright Young Jean Lee along side the surreal dreams of a precocious nine-year-old, and step by step instructions on how to kill a mountain lion. It offers post-apocalyptic maternity woes from Blake Butler and pre-apocalyptic maternity woes from our Swedish correspondent, Agnes Gerner. It presents true visions of Neptune-blue gods in Iraq and demonstrates the tricky logistics of photographing bloated flesh. It deconstructs suicide with Gregory Sherl, spotlights children's drawings of prostitutes and male pattern baldness, and brazenly lets Jim Meirose put his rare meat in the blender, all while giving forum to Karen Tauches's visually stunning interrogations of permanence and solidity in a rapidly disappearing world.
Magazine. Fiction. Art. THE OPEN FACE SANDWICH, VOLUME 2 is a smorgasbord of the ecstatic and deviant with a dollop of blood pudding on top. In it we serve up work by award-winning playwright Young Jean Lee along side the surreal dreams of a precocious nine-year-old, and step by step instructions on how to kill a mountain lion. It offers post-apocalyptic maternity woes from Blake Butler and pre-apocalyptic maternity woes from our Swedish correspondent, Agnes Gerner. It presents true visions of Neptune-blue gods in Iraq and demonstrates the tricky logistics of photographing bloated flesh. It deconstructs suicide with Gregory Sherl, spotlights children's drawings of prostitutes and male pattern baldness, and brazenly lets Jim Meirose put his rare meat in the blender, all while giving forum to Karen Tauches's visually stunning interrogations of permanence and solidity in a rapidly disappearing world.