In the lead feature, "The Black Wedding," written by Jim Pascoe and drawn by Rick Lacy , Liz Sherman is kidnapped by an ancient cult, dragging the entire Bureau for Paranormal Research and Defense into a horrifying tale of witchcraft and possession. Hellboy Animated co-creator Tad Stones and Fabio Laguna team up in "Pyramid of Death," in which radio hero Lobster Johnson inspires a young Hellboy to inflict some imaginary justice of his own.
In the lead feature, "The Black Wedding," written by Jim Pascoe and drawn by Rick Lacy , Liz Sherman is kidnapped by an ancient cult, dragging the entire Bureau for Paranormal Research and Defense into a horrifying tale of witchcraft and possession. Hellboy Animated co-creator Tad Stones and Fabio Laguna team up in "Pyramid of Death," in which radio hero Lobster Johnson inspires a young Hellboy to inflict some imaginary justice of his own.