Honeybees are astonishing insects, at work in one way or another from their very early days. In this fun and fact-filled picture book, Deborah Heiligman follows the life of one busy worker bee as it moves from job to job in the hive, at each phase with a different set of duties that help keep the community going. As a nurse bee, the worker bee feeds the larva, nourishing the young bees into their adult state. Guard bees protect the hive, warning of intruders like bears or wasps, and fighting off robber bees from other hives that come to steal honey. As a forager bee, she'll fly long distances to find nectar for the hive in flowers, pollinating other plants as she goes. The constant activity of the bees and their incredible sense of community keeps the reader busy - learning about these insects who do so much more than sting.
Honeybees are astonishing insects, at work in one way or another from their very early days. In this fun and fact-filled picture book, Deborah Heiligman follows the life of one busy worker bee as it moves from job to job in the hive, at each phase with a different set of duties that help keep the community going. As a nurse bee, the worker bee feeds the larva, nourishing the young bees into their adult state. Guard bees protect the hive, warning of intruders like bears or wasps, and fighting off robber bees from other hives that come to steal honey. As a forager bee, she'll fly long distances to find nectar for the hive in flowers, pollinating other plants as she goes. The constant activity of the bees and their incredible sense of community keeps the reader busy - learning about these insects who do so much more than sting.