Solarpunk communities that glow when the sun goes down. Space witches on distant planets. Future pagan communities building resilient ecotopias. The search for hope in a better world. Evolution and transformation. Exploration and discovery.
Set within the context of our very real world climate crisis, the struggle for solutions to global social problems, and the movement to build more resilient communities in harmony with nature, the pages of this book are filled with wonders both technological and magical. Conflicts lead to resilience and solutions both internal and community-based. Stories span from the terrestrial to the galactic to the inner-depths of memory and imagination.
Twenty-two authors take a variety of different paths as they begin to map out the new and budding lunarpunk genre's terrain. Join them in adventures through glowing utopian worlds where people work together and do their best to build a better world for us all
Solarpunk communities that glow when the sun goes down. Space witches on distant planets. Future pagan communities building resilient ecotopias. The search for hope in a better world. Evolution and transformation. Exploration and discovery.
Set within the context of our very real world climate crisis, the struggle for solutions to global social problems, and the movement to build more resilient communities in harmony with nature, the pages of this book are filled with wonders both technological and magical. Conflicts lead to resilience and solutions both internal and community-based. Stories span from the terrestrial to the galactic to the inner-depths of memory and imagination.
Twenty-two authors take a variety of different paths as they begin to map out the new and budding lunarpunk genre's terrain. Join them in adventures through glowing utopian worlds where people work together and do their best to build a better world for us all