Seasons of Severance is an anthology of four mini horror collections, featuring new fiction from Sara Tantlinger, Corey Farrenkopf, Jessi Ann York, and Red Lagoe. Each author brings out the dark, creepy, and weird through their own personal style.
Themes you'll find explored within: folk horror, fears of seclusion, interpersonal demons, coming-of-age angst, and body horror.
Seasons of Severance is an anthology of four mini horror collections, featuring new fiction from Sara Tantlinger, Corey Farrenkopf, Jessi Ann York, and Red Lagoe. Each author brings out the dark, creepy, and weird through their own personal style.
Themes you'll find explored within: folk horror, fears of seclusion, interpersonal demons, coming-of-age angst, and body horror.