This story collection was born of a personal initiative: that of the actress Sylvie Loeillet that, after his experience of illness and healing, dreamed of a book that would be a hymn to life .
Seen from the Moon ... because if one takes the trouble to see things with hindsight, our daily worries will seem tiny ... Perhaps they disappear. Optimistic, you say? Twenty one writers were claiming their own way that life is worth living.
The Association For literature, in partnership with Éditions Gallimard, sponsored the project Sylvie Loeillet and allowed the release of these new texts, illustrated by the story-boarder Maxime Rebière.
This story collection was born of a personal initiative: that of the actress Sylvie Loeillet that, after his experience of illness and healing, dreamed of a book that would be a hymn to life .
Seen from the Moon ... because if one takes the trouble to see things with hindsight, our daily worries will seem tiny ... Perhaps they disappear. Optimistic, you say? Twenty one writers were claiming their own way that life is worth living.
The Association For literature, in partnership with Éditions Gallimard, sponsored the project Sylvie Loeillet and allowed the release of these new texts, illustrated by the story-boarder Maxime Rebière.