"A" is for Avian Anthology...Join us for a fascinating, dangerous, and often irreverent romp through the most bizarre aviary ever encountered. Discover the wily machinations of the friendliest show-crows, negotiate borders between territorial landfowl, and take a trip through the stars to find your alien-parasite self stuck in a chicken. Each illustrated story in the Murderbirds anthology features a different species of feathered fiend, who is either the villain or intended victim of a deadly scheme. The twenty experts in the field include award-winning science fiction and fantasy authors such as Martin L Shoemaker, Wulf Moon, and Jody Lynn Nye, as well as several new Writers of the Future winners.
Kindle Edition
January 12, 2023
Murderbirds: An Avian Anthology (Unhelpful Encyclopedia)
"A" is for Avian Anthology...Join us for a fascinating, dangerous, and often irreverent romp through the most bizarre aviary ever encountered. Discover the wily machinations of the friendliest show-crows, negotiate borders between territorial landfowl, and take a trip through the stars to find your alien-parasite self stuck in a chicken. Each illustrated story in the Murderbirds anthology features a different species of feathered fiend, who is either the villain or intended victim of a deadly scheme. The twenty experts in the field include award-winning science fiction and fantasy authors such as Martin L Shoemaker, Wulf Moon, and Jody Lynn Nye, as well as several new Writers of the Future winners.