For anyone who wants to have better recall, a stronger memory or just wants to understand how memory works, this is an excellent book on the subject. A very thorough study. The Subconscious Storehouse; Attention and Concentration; Acquiring Impressions; Eye Perception and Memory; Exercises in Eye Perception; Ear Perception and Memory; Association; Remembrance, Recollection and Recognition; The Cumulative System of Memory Culture; The Ten Question Thought System; Memory of Figures, Dates and Prices; Memory of Places, Faces; Names; and Artificial Systems.
Kindle Edition
June 29, 2011
Memory Culture: The Science of Observing, Remembering and Recalling
For anyone who wants to have better recall, a stronger memory or just wants to understand how memory works, this is an excellent book on the subject. A very thorough study. The Subconscious Storehouse; Attention and Concentration; Acquiring Impressions; Eye Perception and Memory; Exercises in Eye Perception; Ear Perception and Memory; Association; Remembrance, Recollection and Recognition; The Cumulative System of Memory Culture; The Ten Question Thought System; Memory of Figures, Dates and Prices; Memory of Places, Faces; Names; and Artificial Systems.