Take charge of your time by understanding what you do with your time. We will talk about things like what is time.
But Before that, tell me "What is your definition of time?"
By the way, the book has 11 chapters and each chapter has one exercise which you have to perform for 7 days. Lastly, I want to leave you with “Everyone on the Earth has 24 hours, even you have 24 hours, so make good use of it because you never know what will happen next minute”
So come inside and be the person that you always wanted to be.
April 12, 2023
The Productive Mindset: Short Guide To Become Superhuman (Added 7 Days Exercise) (Productivity Blueprint)
Take charge of your time by understanding what you do with your time. We will talk about things like what is time.
But Before that, tell me "What is your definition of time?"
By the way, the book has 11 chapters and each chapter has one exercise which you have to perform for 7 days. Lastly, I want to leave you with “Everyone on the Earth has 24 hours, even you have 24 hours, so make good use of it because you never know what will happen next minute”
So come inside and be the person that you always wanted to be.