Following the storyline of a little girl, determined to ask questions and figure out why the moon changes sizes throughout the month, Who Ate the Moon? introduces a fun, clever way to explain the lunar cycle to children through a detailed and illustrated children’s book. Meet Megan, the spunky child detective who is ready to solve any mystery. She's just discovered that part of the moon is missing. It is time to put on her detective hat and find out what happened to the moon.
Following the storyline of a little girl, determined to ask questions and figure out why the moon changes sizes throughout the month, Who Ate the Moon? introduces a fun, clever way to explain the lunar cycle to children through a detailed and illustrated children’s book. Meet Megan, the spunky child detective who is ready to solve any mystery. She's just discovered that part of the moon is missing. It is time to put on her detective hat and find out what happened to the moon.