OF MIKES AND MEN is the story of radio in its diaper days, when announcers doubled as soundmen and every disc jockey was his own engineer. Microphones went dead at least once a program, and any wandering troubador with a glib tongue could get himself a half hour on the local network. Into these primitive conditions in the early 1930s walked twenty-two-year-old Jane Woodfin who had never before been inside a studio and didn't even know what a microphone looked like.
OF MIKES AND MEN is the story of radio in its diaper days, when announcers doubled as soundmen and every disc jockey was his own engineer. Microphones went dead at least once a program, and any wandering troubador with a glib tongue could get himself a half hour on the local network. Into these primitive conditions in the early 1930s walked twenty-two-year-old Jane Woodfin who had never before been inside a studio and didn't even know what a microphone looked like.