What happens when Artificial Intelligence on a hostile planet goes rogue?
When workout supplements turn out to be of the eldritch variety?
Homicidal alien flora?
What really happened at the T unguska Event?
The answers to these terrors and many more dwell within the realm!
In this issue, dive into tweleve speculative horror and science fiction tales that are truly strange and sinister, a one-on-one interview with Nova Scotia-based writer/director Seth A Smith conducted by author Bo Chappell, and full color comics by John Crowther.
The creative team for is as follows, with a sampling of publishers the team has previously had stories published with. Writer : John Crowther
Artist/Letterer/Colorist : Emi Utrera
The creative team is as follows, with a sampling of publishers the team has previously had stories published with.
Writer : John Crowther
Artist : Dell Barras
Geri Lou Smith
Hector Negrete
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What happens when Artificial Intelligence on a hostile planet goes rogue?
When workout supplements turn out to be of the eldritch variety?
Homicidal alien flora?
What really happened at the T unguska Event?
The answers to these terrors and many more dwell within the realm!
In this issue, dive into tweleve speculative horror and science fiction tales that are truly strange and sinister, a one-on-one interview with Nova Scotia-based writer/director Seth A Smith conducted by author Bo Chappell, and full color comics by John Crowther.
The creative team for is as follows, with a sampling of publishers the team has previously had stories published with. Writer : John Crowther
Artist/Letterer/Colorist : Emi Utrera
The creative team is as follows, with a sampling of publishers the team has previously had stories published with.
Writer : John Crowther
Artist : Dell Barras
Geri Lou Smith
Hector Negrete
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