Actor/writer Bruce Boxleitner, known to the fans of TV's Babylon 5 as "Captain Sheridan," returns with the second novel in his exciting Frontier Earth series...
In the American West of the early 1880's, the extraterrestrial who calls himself Macklin continues his quest to uncover his true identity, and fulfill his mission on Earth. But the predatory alien Kra'agh are also on a quest-to hunt him down and kill him.
Actor/writer Bruce Boxleitner, known to the fans of TV's Babylon 5 as "Captain Sheridan," returns with the second novel in his exciting Frontier Earth series...
In the American West of the early 1880's, the extraterrestrial who calls himself Macklin continues his quest to uncover his true identity, and fulfill his mission on Earth. But the predatory alien Kra'agh are also on a quest-to hunt him down and kill him.