One, Two, Three...It's Great to be ME! is a children's playful picture book for very young children and adults who love them. This gem includes helpful insights for parents and other caregivers with tips to support young children's play and development. The children's book section repeats phrases in a natural rhythm to delight the youngest children and help emerging readers. Dr. Britain is the author of many children's picture books, including the internationally acclaimed classic, "It's MY Body" . Her books have been helping and bringing joy to young children for over 30 years. To learn about Lory, her books, art and more:
July 21, 2012
One, Two, Three...It's Great to be ME!: a playful book for young children and practical insights for their loving adults
One, Two, Three...It's Great to be ME! is a children's playful picture book for very young children and adults who love them. This gem includes helpful insights for parents and other caregivers with tips to support young children's play and development. The children's book section repeats phrases in a natural rhythm to delight the youngest children and help emerging readers. Dr. Britain is the author of many children's picture books, including the internationally acclaimed classic, "It's MY Body" . Her books have been helping and bringing joy to young children for over 30 years. To learn about Lory, her books, art and more: