A stunning illustrated adventure story set in 21st-century cyberspaceWhen Lucille Wren died, all the keepsakes of her were digitized and stored on Ulysses II, an old family computer. But when these binary memorials get accidentally erased, the Wren children enter a virtual transporter and catapult themselves into the computer's insides in search of their lost mother. This eye-catching tale employs innovative typography and stunningly original photographic montages to convey a thoroughly modern story of adventure. The computer-savvy generation will love the cyber setting, in which people can come back to virtual life.
A stunning illustrated adventure story set in 21st-century cyberspaceWhen Lucille Wren died, all the keepsakes of her were digitized and stored on Ulysses II, an old family computer. But when these binary memorials get accidentally erased, the Wren children enter a virtual transporter and catapult themselves into the computer's insides in search of their lost mother. This eye-catching tale employs innovative typography and stunningly original photographic montages to convey a thoroughly modern story of adventure. The computer-savvy generation will love the cyber setting, in which people can come back to virtual life.