"In Remembrance" by Jennifer Loring
"First Love" by Angeline Hawkes
"Suck on This, Bitch!" by Ty Schwamberger
"Sacrificing Virgins" by John Everson*
"Obsession" by Jeremy Terry
"Daddy's Got You" by M.R. Gott
"The Way I Love You" by Christopher Fulbright
"Alan and Christine" by J. F. Gonzalez
Story Illustrations & Artwork:
Luke Spooner
Alan M. Clark
Allen Koszowski
Mike Mabrey
Daniele Serra
Vince Natale
Cover Artist Mini Gallery: David Ho
An Interview with Ty Schwamberger by John Everson
Article: "Opposites Attract: Different Opinions of Sex in Horror" by Ty Schwamberger & Sheryl Scanlon
Reviews by Vi Reaper, Ben Macnair & Sheri White
* "Sacrificing Virgins" originally appeared in The Dead Inn published by Delirium Books.
"In Remembrance" by Jennifer Loring
"First Love" by Angeline Hawkes
"Suck on This, Bitch!" by Ty Schwamberger
"Sacrificing Virgins" by John Everson*
"Obsession" by Jeremy Terry
"Daddy's Got You" by M.R. Gott
"The Way I Love You" by Christopher Fulbright
"Alan and Christine" by J. F. Gonzalez
Story Illustrations & Artwork:
Luke Spooner
Alan M. Clark
Allen Koszowski
Mike Mabrey
Daniele Serra
Vince Natale
Cover Artist Mini Gallery: David Ho
An Interview with Ty Schwamberger by John Everson
Article: "Opposites Attract: Different Opinions of Sex in Horror" by Ty Schwamberger & Sheryl Scanlon
Reviews by Vi Reaper, Ben Macnair & Sheri White
* "Sacrificing Virgins" originally appeared in The Dead Inn published by Delirium Books.