Crank is a sort of extended "letters to the editor"—a publication in which one can air petty annoyances, obscure conspiracy theories and general arguments about what is wrong with the world.
Read Chris Miles on the evil that is "www.", Jenny Sinclair on sources of annoyances at music festivals, David Sornig's issues with the use of sunlight as a metaphor in song lyrics, and the lessons Mat Larkin learned from a particularly tricky "Choose Your Own Adventure" story. Other topics of author's ire include poor quality shoelace aglets, icing turds, astrology, singing soap stars, and pandas.
Crank is a sort of extended "letters to the editor"—a publication in which one can air petty annoyances, obscure conspiracy theories and general arguments about what is wrong with the world.
Read Chris Miles on the evil that is "www.", Jenny Sinclair on sources of annoyances at music festivals, David Sornig's issues with the use of sunlight as a metaphor in song lyrics, and the lessons Mat Larkin learned from a particularly tricky "Choose Your Own Adventure" story. Other topics of author's ire include poor quality shoelace aglets, icing turds, astrology, singing soap stars, and pandas.