An award-winning tale of Texas vengeance and passion...
With her husband dead by suicide and his crazed brother accusing her of murder, Philadelphia-bred Elizabeth Dougherty breaks into the jail and holds a cold-blooded killer at gunpoint.
“I'll release you if you agree to my terms. Take me with you.” But when Boone Coulter grudgingly agrees, he has no idea that her enemy is the sheriff--a nightmare from his own past who now wants them both dead.
That wild leap of desperation launches their their passionate tale of love and sacrifice becomes the stuff of legend...
An award-winning tale of Texas vengeance and passion...
With her husband dead by suicide and his crazed brother accusing her of murder, Philadelphia-bred Elizabeth Dougherty breaks into the jail and holds a cold-blooded killer at gunpoint.
“I'll release you if you agree to my terms. Take me with you.” But when Boone Coulter grudgingly agrees, he has no idea that her enemy is the sheriff--a nightmare from his own past who now wants them both dead.
That wild leap of desperation launches their their passionate tale of love and sacrifice becomes the stuff of legend...