In an attempt to grow back his right arm, Doctor Curtis Connors develops an experimental formula that goes haywire, turning him into the dangerous Lizard, and only the superhero Spider-Man can stop him from destroying the city...Title: .Beware the Lizard!..Author: .Castro, Nachie ..Publisher: .Disney Pr..Publication Date: .2012/06/05..Number of Pages: ...Binding Type: .PAPERBACK..Library of Congress: .bl2012019054
In an attempt to grow back his right arm, Doctor Curtis Connors develops an experimental formula that goes haywire, turning him into the dangerous Lizard, and only the superhero Spider-Man can stop him from destroying the city...Title: .Beware the Lizard!..Author: .Castro, Nachie ..Publisher: .Disney Pr..Publication Date: .2012/06/05..Number of Pages: ...Binding Type: .PAPERBACK..Library of Congress: .bl2012019054