Most church people don't like to work with teenagers. Teenagers scare people. But what do youth workers like you do? You love them. You spend all your time with them. You do your best to listen to heartaches, guide fledgling souls, and avoid dismemberment. You're like a saint. A saint who drinks a lot of coffee.
Even with all that coffee in you and with the mighty hand of God guiding you, sometimes the pressure, church committees and annual budget meetings can make you feel like you are gonna explode. Don't do that. It's gross.
Instead: breathe deep. Allow yourself one of those snort church giggles. You can even hide this book inside your Bible . Go ahead and laugh. We won t tell anyone.
Kindle Edition
The Youth Cartel
October 15, 2012
The Youth Cartel's [Unauthorized] Dictionary of Youth Ministry
Most church people don't like to work with teenagers. Teenagers scare people. But what do youth workers like you do? You love them. You spend all your time with them. You do your best to listen to heartaches, guide fledgling souls, and avoid dismemberment. You're like a saint. A saint who drinks a lot of coffee.
Even with all that coffee in you and with the mighty hand of God guiding you, sometimes the pressure, church committees and annual budget meetings can make you feel like you are gonna explode. Don't do that. It's gross.
Instead: breathe deep. Allow yourself one of those snort church giggles. You can even hide this book inside your Bible . Go ahead and laugh. We won t tell anyone.