This book follows the lives of five animals: A bedraggled
poodle-mix named Sampson, an opinionated terrier named Smudge, a rescued horse
named Tino, a golden retriever named Jasper and a striped tabby cat named
Tinkerbelle. Although animal rescue and herbal medicine are continuous themes,
the author explores the notion of healing, discovering that animals need
inspiration to achieve optimum health. The book also follows the life of the
author through hard-learned lessons and an unwavering dedication to animals as
well as her mentor, a neighborhood herbalist. Readers come away with a new
insight into the world of holistic veterinary medicine and new skills to
improve the wellness of their own beloved animal companions.
A reminder of the physical, emotional, and spiritual strength in us all, The Proof Is in the Poodle embodies the restorative power of hope.
This book follows the lives of five animals: A bedraggled
poodle-mix named Sampson, an opinionated terrier named Smudge, a rescued horse
named Tino, a golden retriever named Jasper and a striped tabby cat named
Tinkerbelle. Although animal rescue and herbal medicine are continuous themes,
the author explores the notion of healing, discovering that animals need
inspiration to achieve optimum health. The book also follows the life of the
author through hard-learned lessons and an unwavering dedication to animals as
well as her mentor, a neighborhood herbalist. Readers come away with a new
insight into the world of holistic veterinary medicine and new skills to
improve the wellness of their own beloved animal companions.
A reminder of the physical, emotional, and spiritual strength in us all, The Proof Is in the Poodle embodies the restorative power of hope.