After quitting his lucrative executive management job, Carr Parker retired to a leisurely life of travel ...or so he thought. With his best friend, ace pilot and Martian native Mado of Canax, they set off to investigate a strange area of space that collected wrecked spaceships. One adventure after another leads to a threat of alien invasion, a mysterious creature of immense proportions, and the most frightening encounter of all...falling in love with Ora, the Princess of Europa.
After quitting his lucrative executive management job, Carr Parker retired to a leisurely life of travel ...or so he thought. With his best friend, ace pilot and Martian native Mado of Canax, they set off to investigate a strange area of space that collected wrecked spaceships. One adventure after another leads to a threat of alien invasion, a mysterious creature of immense proportions, and the most frightening encounter of all...falling in love with Ora, the Princess of Europa.