Goremagazine.com brings its premiere fiction and non-fiction magazine to Amazon! 7 tales of bloody, gory tales of carnage can be yours at a low, low, price.
A man takes a magnum point-blank to the chest and lives to tell about it... A kitchen fight erupts between a hit-man and his die-hard targets... Did you ever wonder what mob bosses do to their henchman when they don't follow orders?
If you're looking for brutally realistic tales, than buy Gore Magazine volume 1 now!
Gore Magazine features a combination horror, thriller and suspense fiction and non-fiction.
Goremagazine.com brings its premiere fiction and non-fiction magazine to Amazon! 7 tales of bloody, gory tales of carnage can be yours at a low, low, price.
A man takes a magnum point-blank to the chest and lives to tell about it... A kitchen fight erupts between a hit-man and his die-hard targets... Did you ever wonder what mob bosses do to their henchman when they don't follow orders?
If you're looking for brutally realistic tales, than buy Gore Magazine volume 1 now!
Gore Magazine features a combination horror, thriller and suspense fiction and non-fiction.