Trevor Byrne Mad for the rain A teenager and his mostly absent father compare notes on the past [short story] Tom Lee The Hunters A holiday friendship throws a couple off course [short story] Donald Mahoney A disused restaurant in Co. Clare The rise and fall of a great Tyrolean pizzeria – in the Burren [essay] Jim O’Donoghue My animal passion Laid off from his job, a man decides to sell his body [short story] Karen O’Reilly The act A grim game of wits in a Tanzanian town [personal history] David Ralph The vortex A visit to the world of positive thinking [reportage] Maurice Walsh 9/11 and the seminar room The attacks and the two Americas, then and now [essay] David Wheatley ‘He who is Gaelic will be Gaelic always’ Myles na gCopaleen and the Gaelo-fascists [essay]
Trevor Byrne Mad for the rain A teenager and his mostly absent father compare notes on the past [short story] Tom Lee The Hunters A holiday friendship throws a couple off course [short story] Donald Mahoney A disused restaurant in Co. Clare The rise and fall of a great Tyrolean pizzeria – in the Burren [essay] Jim O’Donoghue My animal passion Laid off from his job, a man decides to sell his body [short story] Karen O’Reilly The act A grim game of wits in a Tanzanian town [personal history] David Ralph The vortex A visit to the world of positive thinking [reportage] Maurice Walsh 9/11 and the seminar room The attacks and the two Americas, then and now [essay] David Wheatley ‘He who is Gaelic will be Gaelic always’ Myles na gCopaleen and the Gaelo-fascists [essay]