A hilarious collection of Magic Whistle comic strips by the talented Sam Henderson, a cartoonist whose strips illuminate the region where bar napkin scrawls, New Yorker cartoons, Matt Groening's Life in Hell, and stand-up comedy meet.With a Fox f/x cartoon in development and a foreword by Andy Richter , this guffaw-laden collection is a sidesplitting introduction to one of America's foremost young humorists.
A hilarious collection of Magic Whistle comic strips by the talented Sam Henderson, a cartoonist whose strips illuminate the region where bar napkin scrawls, New Yorker cartoons, Matt Groening's Life in Hell, and stand-up comedy meet.With a Fox f/x cartoon in development and a foreword by Andy Richter , this guffaw-laden collection is a sidesplitting introduction to one of America's foremost young humorists.