Spooky, supernatural stories for younger readers. This collection of five short stories includes a ghost story , two urban fantasy tales , and two stories of dragons and faeries .
Deb Logan specializes in fantasy tales for the young at heart. She loves mythology and is especially fond of Celtic and Native American lore. She writes about faeries, dragons, and other fantasy creatures for the younger set as herself, and for adults as Debbie Mumford.
Visit Deb at Deb Logan Writes to learn more about her currently available work.
Spooky, supernatural stories for younger readers. This collection of five short stories includes a ghost story , two urban fantasy tales , and two stories of dragons and faeries .
Deb Logan specializes in fantasy tales for the young at heart. She loves mythology and is especially fond of Celtic and Native American lore. She writes about faeries, dragons, and other fantasy creatures for the younger set as herself, and for adults as Debbie Mumford.
Visit Deb at Deb Logan Writes to learn more about her currently available work.