Stories: The Illusion of Life, Life on Ice, Doctor Denstein's Black Box, To Dwell on Tainted Ground, The Presence of Hob Hirst, The Fortune to of Larsal Kumah, Grondak, The Coldest of Men, The Illusion of Death, The Darkest of All Healings, The Wood of Wonder, Sad Communion, The Ghosts of Cydonia , Satanic Rose With Crimson Bud .
Stories: The Illusion of Life, Life on Ice, Doctor Denstein's Black Box, To Dwell on Tainted Ground, The Presence of Hob Hirst, The Fortune to of Larsal Kumah, Grondak, The Coldest of Men, The Illusion of Death, The Darkest of All Healings, The Wood of Wonder, Sad Communion, The Ghosts of Cydonia , Satanic Rose With Crimson Bud .