Black Death Publishing...
Presents a new horror adventure set in the cold, snowy mountains of Hanan Pacha. Rumor has it that the ancient gods, called 'Titans', sleep in these lands. Their offspring, the true giants, prowl these high places, guarding the treasure left behind by their creators. An undead ettin, named Wokrah, commands undead goblin, who are terrorizing the forest plateau. The Grand Caldera mountains are a dangerous place at any time of the year, but especially during... The Dead of Winter.
Kindle Edition
Black Death Publishing
February 24, 2011
The Dead of Winter (at Bearhammer Hall) (Hanan Pacha: Realm of Adventure Book 3)
Black Death Publishing...
Presents a new horror adventure set in the cold, snowy mountains of Hanan Pacha. Rumor has it that the ancient gods, called 'Titans', sleep in these lands. Their offspring, the true giants, prowl these high places, guarding the treasure left behind by their creators. An undead ettin, named Wokrah, commands undead goblin, who are terrorizing the forest plateau. The Grand Caldera mountains are a dangerous place at any time of the year, but especially during... The Dead of Winter.