A Princess of privilege, torn between duty and desire...
In the land of the Five Realms, home of the Kaels, political dissidence boils beneath the surface. Headstrong Princess Neala is the daughter of Riona the First, Queen of Kaels, a mystical race with command of the five elements, and second in line for the throne.
She lives a life of ease but wants nothing more than to be seen for who she is and not as a pawn in her mother’s political games.
When civil war breaks out, ravaging her homeland, Princess Neala is determined to unify the realms using her command of the elements and knowledge of the enemy that she alone possesses.
Torn between her mother’s commands and her deepest desires, can she maintain her resolve and rise up against the dark alliances that threaten her life and her kingdom?
A Princess of privilege, torn between duty and desire...
In the land of the Five Realms, home of the Kaels, political dissidence boils beneath the surface. Headstrong Princess Neala is the daughter of Riona the First, Queen of Kaels, a mystical race with command of the five elements, and second in line for the throne.
She lives a life of ease but wants nothing more than to be seen for who she is and not as a pawn in her mother’s political games.
When civil war breaks out, ravaging her homeland, Princess Neala is determined to unify the realms using her command of the elements and knowledge of the enemy that she alone possesses.
Torn between her mother’s commands and her deepest desires, can she maintain her resolve and rise up against the dark alliances that threaten her life and her kingdom?