Life getting so bad that all you want to do is kill them all and let God sort them out?
These days everyone in society is getting stressed, from commutes that take way too long, the drivers near you becoming royal jerks, a boss from Hell, work that is too demanding, grocery prices too high and a family that just screams at each other. Well the common denominator to this is stress and yes it can and will kill you if you let it hang around too long and if you have too much of it.
In this book you will learn:
• What is Tai Chi
• What is Feng Shui
• What is Buddhism
• What is Prayer
• What is Meditation
• Why Exercise
• What makes a Massage a stress reliever
Kindle Edition
Tai Chi for Beginners: Guide to Finding Inner Peace, Achieving Mental Balance and Living a Stress-Free Life (Martial Arts)
Life getting so bad that all you want to do is kill them all and let God sort them out?
These days everyone in society is getting stressed, from commutes that take way too long, the drivers near you becoming royal jerks, a boss from Hell, work that is too demanding, grocery prices too high and a family that just screams at each other. Well the common denominator to this is stress and yes it can and will kill you if you let it hang around too long and if you have too much of it.
In this book you will learn:
• What is Tai Chi
• What is Feng Shui
• What is Buddhism
• What is Prayer
• What is Meditation
• Why Exercise
• What makes a Massage a stress reliever