Florida can be divided into seven distinct regions, each corresponding to specific geographic and cultural criteria. Marshy Everglades, and tropical Keys occupy the south, while the vacation capital of Miami rises along the east coast. From the extravagant Gilded Age of manses and fantastic beaches of the Gold and Treasure Coasts to the amusement parks of Orlando, and St. Augustine's Spanish-Colonial era architecture in the Northeast, Florida is a region of stark contrasts. For more valuable travel information about art, shopping, entertainment, nightlife, hotels and sports look to Eyewitness Travel to Florida.
Florida can be divided into seven distinct regions, each corresponding to specific geographic and cultural criteria. Marshy Everglades, and tropical Keys occupy the south, while the vacation capital of Miami rises along the east coast. From the extravagant Gilded Age of manses and fantastic beaches of the Gold and Treasure Coasts to the amusement parks of Orlando, and St. Augustine's Spanish-Colonial era architecture in the Northeast, Florida is a region of stark contrasts. For more valuable travel information about art, shopping, entertainment, nightlife, hotels and sports look to Eyewitness Travel to Florida.