Appalachia verite...This fine collection edited and introduced by Charles Dodd White and Larry Smith includes this short fiction:
"On the Road with C.T. Savage" by Meredith Sue Willis
"Burning Off into Forever" by David Joy
"The Wife You Wanted" by Marie Manilla
"Wild Kind" by Matt Brock
"The Hanging" by Darnell Arnoult
"Confluence" by Mesha Maren
"Covered Bridge" by Taylor Brown
"Obituary" by Jacinda Townsend
"Cell-Life" by Carrie Mullins
"The Hawkins Boy" by Charles Dodd White
"White Freightliner Blues" by Jon Sealy
"That Familiar Ache" by Savannah Sipple
"Monkey Proof" by Rusty Barnes
"Echolocation" by Mark Powell
"A Story to Tell" by Chris Holbrook
"Back Porch" by Chris Offutt
Appalachia verite...This fine collection edited and introduced by Charles Dodd White and Larry Smith includes this short fiction:
"On the Road with C.T. Savage" by Meredith Sue Willis
"Burning Off into Forever" by David Joy
"The Wife You Wanted" by Marie Manilla
"Wild Kind" by Matt Brock
"The Hanging" by Darnell Arnoult
"Confluence" by Mesha Maren
"Covered Bridge" by Taylor Brown
"Obituary" by Jacinda Townsend
"Cell-Life" by Carrie Mullins
"The Hawkins Boy" by Charles Dodd White
"White Freightliner Blues" by Jon Sealy
"That Familiar Ache" by Savannah Sipple
"Monkey Proof" by Rusty Barnes
"Echolocation" by Mark Powell
"A Story to Tell" by Chris Holbrook
"Back Porch" by Chris Offutt