Graham Speechley reveals how to use LinkedIn™ to the best effect for you and your contacts. And in this eBook, he takes you through the process one step at a time.
Because of the global influence of the Internet, people have returned to the old way of socialising and spreading news – through recommendation and word of mouth. And although it has resurrected in a more virtual and digital package, it’s still basically the same. And through the web, we are crossing boundaries.
In this eBook you will discover:
How to work out the main goal of your LinkedIn™ strategy
The real purpose of your LinkedIn™ headline and how to craft one that works
Odd behaviours that repel more connections than they attract
Why you should take careful control of your numbers of connections
Some simple tools to measure the return on your investment in LinkedIn™
The new LinkedIn™ feature you should definitely use
And many more.
Kindle Edition
Use LinkedIn to Build Your Network, Fill Your Diary and Grow Your Business
Graham Speechley reveals how to use LinkedIn™ to the best effect for you and your contacts. And in this eBook, he takes you through the process one step at a time.
Because of the global influence of the Internet, people have returned to the old way of socialising and spreading news – through recommendation and word of mouth. And although it has resurrected in a more virtual and digital package, it’s still basically the same. And through the web, we are crossing boundaries.
In this eBook you will discover:
How to work out the main goal of your LinkedIn™ strategy
The real purpose of your LinkedIn™ headline and how to craft one that works
Odd behaviours that repel more connections than they attract
Why you should take careful control of your numbers of connections
Some simple tools to measure the return on your investment in LinkedIn™
The new LinkedIn™ feature you should definitely use