From Batman to Charlie Bucket, from Meg Murry to the Venture Brothers, every hero of science fiction, heroic fantasy, or speculative literature is the product of parental influences. This collection of pithy mini essays and charming illustrations offers short, sweet, and deep thoughts about parenting as exemplified by the most memorable parent-child pairings: Vader and Luke, Spock and Sarek, Peter Parker and Aunt May, even Pinocchio and Gepetto. Earth's Mightiest Parents reveals the profound child-rearing advice hidden in geek pop culture. What would Vader do? Now geek parents of all stripes can find out, using these life lessons to raise a next generation of their own.
Quirk Books
April 05, 2016
Geek Parenting: What Joffrey, Jor-El, Maleficent, and the McFlys Teach Us about Raising a Family
From Batman to Charlie Bucket, from Meg Murry to the Venture Brothers, every hero of science fiction, heroic fantasy, or speculative literature is the product of parental influences. This collection of pithy mini essays and charming illustrations offers short, sweet, and deep thoughts about parenting as exemplified by the most memorable parent-child pairings: Vader and Luke, Spock and Sarek, Peter Parker and Aunt May, even Pinocchio and Gepetto. Earth's Mightiest Parents reveals the profound child-rearing advice hidden in geek pop culture. What would Vader do? Now geek parents of all stripes can find out, using these life lessons to raise a next generation of their own.