Grey Matter is a collection of Sci-Fi and Fantasy short stories, written by various authors and published quarterly by Meizius Publishing. If you're a fan of sci-fi and cyberpunk fiction, these stories are fantastic! Stories include a cyberpunk job interview process, an alien western, a dystopian sci-fi tale, a futuristic assassin, an alternate reality sci-fi adventure, a sci-fi horror story, and a sci-fi historical fiction.
Grey Matter is a collection of Sci-Fi and Fantasy short stories, written by various authors and published quarterly by Meizius Publishing. If you're a fan of sci-fi and cyberpunk fiction, these stories are fantastic! Stories include a cyberpunk job interview process, an alien western, a dystopian sci-fi tale, a futuristic assassin, an alternate reality sci-fi adventure, a sci-fi horror story, and a sci-fi historical fiction.