If you are a business owner or if you are in charge of purchases made in your organization, you must be innovative with reducing office expenditure. After all every dime saved adds to the bottom line. But how do you really do that without compromising on quality?
In this book you'll learn the top 3 reasons why you should save money on everything.
The book elaborates on 3 techniques you can adopt to save money on your
1. Direct Savings
2. Indirect Savings
3. Saving by Optimizing
The author does a deep dive into 9 specific strategies that you can implement right away in your business to save money on your day-to-day purchases. Every strategy mentioned in this book is very clear, specific and easy to implement immediately; and is guaranteed to deliver immediate results.
Kindle Edition
May 02, 2015
9 Sure Fire Ways To Save Money On Your Day-To-Day Office Purchases
If you are a business owner or if you are in charge of purchases made in your organization, you must be innovative with reducing office expenditure. After all every dime saved adds to the bottom line. But how do you really do that without compromising on quality?
In this book you'll learn the top 3 reasons why you should save money on everything.
The book elaborates on 3 techniques you can adopt to save money on your
1. Direct Savings
2. Indirect Savings
3. Saving by Optimizing
The author does a deep dive into 9 specific strategies that you can implement right away in your business to save money on your day-to-day purchases. Every strategy mentioned in this book is very clear, specific and easy to implement immediately; and is guaranteed to deliver immediate results.