Inspired by a series of true events, Goya’s Ring is an action packed adventure story that tells the tale of Alessandra Santana, a beautiful Spanish Art historian and amateur opera singer, on the trail of a priceless Goya masterpiece lost to the art world for 200 years and stolen by the Nazis. In her quest, she unexpectedly unlocks secrets of her own past as well as that of her client that ties them together.
Written in the style of a marriage between Monuments Men, American Treasure and The Da Vinci Code, the page-turning novel binds together the Spanish Inquisition with the Holocaust. A thrilling tale of intrigue, deceit and romance, Goya’s Ring dives into the shadowy world of art collectors and museums, and finishes with a breathtaking twist.
Inspired by a series of true events, Goya’s Ring is an action packed adventure story that tells the tale of Alessandra Santana, a beautiful Spanish Art historian and amateur opera singer, on the trail of a priceless Goya masterpiece lost to the art world for 200 years and stolen by the Nazis. In her quest, she unexpectedly unlocks secrets of her own past as well as that of her client that ties them together.
Written in the style of a marriage between Monuments Men, American Treasure and The Da Vinci Code, the page-turning novel binds together the Spanish Inquisition with the Holocaust. A thrilling tale of intrigue, deceit and romance, Goya’s Ring dives into the shadowy world of art collectors and museums, and finishes with a breathtaking twist.