The story follows five children, Pandora, Inara, Ryel, Matu and Egyn. Aged between sixteen and thirteen. They live in villages on the land known as the PrimeLands. A vast landscape of forests, lakes and mountains. They are the sons and daughters of the clan leaders. The plot is set over several generations and begins with a story, The Legend of Aloris, who they later discover to be one of their ancestors.
The five meet for the first time at the gathering, where they learn they are the last of the Shadow fighters; mythical protectors they thought only existed in stories. They become drawn into another world, a mirror of their own but controlled by the Shadows lords. Making new allies on their journey and battling shadow demons the first book ends with the life of one hanging in the balance.
Book II Henyk The Witch; will hopefully be available by mid December.
The story follows five children, Pandora, Inara, Ryel, Matu and Egyn. Aged between sixteen and thirteen. They live in villages on the land known as the PrimeLands. A vast landscape of forests, lakes and mountains. They are the sons and daughters of the clan leaders. The plot is set over several generations and begins with a story, The Legend of Aloris, who they later discover to be one of their ancestors.
The five meet for the first time at the gathering, where they learn they are the last of the Shadow fighters; mythical protectors they thought only existed in stories. They become drawn into another world, a mirror of their own but controlled by the Shadows lords. Making new allies on their journey and battling shadow demons the first book ends with the life of one hanging in the balance.
Book II Henyk The Witch; will hopefully be available by mid December.