Raquel M. Hanic, a cradle Catholic, received her education in the Universal Church, attending a Catholic grade and high school in her native Fort Wayne, Indiana. Born in a large and extended Mexican-American family, "Rocky," as she is called by those endeared to her, realized early in life that faith would be the constant her family would find themselves clinging to in times of grief, pain, and joy. Raquel's journey of conversion begins early at a tender and vulnerable age of fifteen when suddenly faced with unspeakable pain and darkness. Raquel has emerged step by step to the light that solely Christ can promise and deliver. In Romans 12:12 , we are given a special direction for our walk. Raquel's road, shared in the pages to follow, is founded on those words, "Rejoice in hope, endure in affliction, persevere in prayer." Raquel continues to rejoice in her hope that Christ will never abandon His sheep. Having grown strong in endurance through the pains of the past, Rocky perseveres in prayer and faith. She opens her life to you as a testimony to God's love and promise. There is calm after the storm.
Raquel M. Hanic, a cradle Catholic, received her education in the Universal Church, attending a Catholic grade and high school in her native Fort Wayne, Indiana. Born in a large and extended Mexican-American family, "Rocky," as she is called by those endeared to her, realized early in life that faith would be the constant her family would find themselves clinging to in times of grief, pain, and joy. Raquel's journey of conversion begins early at a tender and vulnerable age of fifteen when suddenly faced with unspeakable pain and darkness. Raquel has emerged step by step to the light that solely Christ can promise and deliver. In Romans 12:12 , we are given a special direction for our walk. Raquel's road, shared in the pages to follow, is founded on those words, "Rejoice in hope, endure in affliction, persevere in prayer." Raquel continues to rejoice in her hope that Christ will never abandon His sheep. Having grown strong in endurance through the pains of the past, Rocky perseveres in prayer and faith. She opens her life to you as a testimony to God's love and promise. There is calm after the storm.