"152-page illustrated tribute to Celtic Frost, filled with illustrations, comics and humor by Justin Bartlett, Jason McGregor, Bruno Guerreiro, Lars Krantz, Chuck BB, Shawn Knight, J. Bennett, Eamon Espey, Ed Luce, Jeremy Baum, Johnny Ryan, Josh Bayer, Jacob Hamrick, J.T. Dockery, Kelly Larson, Kim Holm, Michael Hacker, Mike Erdody, Slasher Dave, Tim Shagrat, Mark Rudolph, Sam Wolf, Tim Sievert, Mark Thompson, Scott Murphy, David Liljemark, Kevin Cross, Rob Mills, and many more. There are forewords from Tomas Lindberg and Ivar Bjornson , with other pieces from Joel Grind , Flo Swartz , Ben Ash , Scott Kelly , Fenriz , Dan Lilker , Jeff Wagner , Shane Embury , Greg Macintosh , Trevor Peres , Scott Carlson and Matt Olivo , Orvar Safstrom , Attila Csihar , Chris Reifert , and John Paradiso ." - Corpseflower Records
"152-page illustrated tribute to Celtic Frost, filled with illustrations, comics and humor by Justin Bartlett, Jason McGregor, Bruno Guerreiro, Lars Krantz, Chuck BB, Shawn Knight, J. Bennett, Eamon Espey, Ed Luce, Jeremy Baum, Johnny Ryan, Josh Bayer, Jacob Hamrick, J.T. Dockery, Kelly Larson, Kim Holm, Michael Hacker, Mike Erdody, Slasher Dave, Tim Shagrat, Mark Rudolph, Sam Wolf, Tim Sievert, Mark Thompson, Scott Murphy, David Liljemark, Kevin Cross, Rob Mills, and many more. There are forewords from Tomas Lindberg and Ivar Bjornson , with other pieces from Joel Grind , Flo Swartz , Ben Ash , Scott Kelly , Fenriz , Dan Lilker , Jeff Wagner , Shane Embury , Greg Macintosh , Trevor Peres , Scott Carlson and Matt Olivo , Orvar Safstrom , Attila Csihar , Chris Reifert , and John Paradiso ." - Corpseflower Records