Beast Boy does too. many. chores. at Titans Tower, so he joins his buddy Aqualad for the easy life under the sea. But making his lazy-living dreams come true isn’t nearly as simple as he imaginesBeast Boy does too. many. chores. at Titans Tower, so he joins his buddy Aqualad for the easy life under the sea. But making his lazy-living dreams come true isn’t nearly as simple as he imagines!
Beast Boy does too. many. chores. at Titans Tower, so he joins his buddy Aqualad for the easy life under the sea. But making his lazy-living dreams come true isn’t nearly as simple as he imaginesBeast Boy does too. many. chores. at Titans Tower, so he joins his buddy Aqualad for the easy life under the sea. But making his lazy-living dreams come true isn’t nearly as simple as he imagines!