------------------ Survival The Vehicle You Will Need to Survive When SHTF ------------------ No matter how much you prepare at home or at your bug out spot, you need a vehicle to get away from danger safely. You want to make your car or truck ready for survival just like you are. This guide will get you started on choosing and preparing your ideal survival vehicle for when the world collapses and you need to escape for your life. ---------------- Urban A Beginner's Guide to Surviving SHTF in a Big City ---------------- Quick! You need to evacuate your home 15 minutes from now. Do you know what to take with you? Do you know where it is and get you get it into a sturdy bag in time? Better yet, do you already have a bug out bag prepared? Do you have copies of important financial, medical, insurance, and identification documents in a binder, folder, or sturdy envelope that you can easily carry in your emergency kit? What if you have kids...do they know what to do in a disaster? What if they were away from home when the disaster happened...would they know what to do? You will need to address these issues, especially if you live in a large, densely-populated city. This short, no-fluff guide will help you get started on your way to survinving SHTF...even if you live in a big, crowded city.
------------------ Survival The Vehicle You Will Need to Survive When SHTF ------------------ No matter how much you prepare at home or at your bug out spot, you need a vehicle to get away from danger safely. You want to make your car or truck ready for survival just like you are. This guide will get you started on choosing and preparing your ideal survival vehicle for when the world collapses and you need to escape for your life. ---------------- Urban A Beginner's Guide to Surviving SHTF in a Big City ---------------- Quick! You need to evacuate your home 15 minutes from now. Do you know what to take with you? Do you know where it is and get you get it into a sturdy bag in time? Better yet, do you already have a bug out bag prepared? Do you have copies of important financial, medical, insurance, and identification documents in a binder, folder, or sturdy envelope that you can easily carry in your emergency kit? What if you have kids...do they know what to do in a disaster? What if they were away from home when the disaster happened...would they know what to do? You will need to address these issues, especially if you live in a large, densely-populated city. This short, no-fluff guide will help you get started on your way to survinving SHTF...even if you live in a big, crowded city.