Penny Hanover had everything a girl in 1892 could want; a good job, a handsome man, and a ring as a promise. A normal night at the sweet shop turns terrifying as a gunman and a single shot rips her world apart. Penny wakes to find she can’t remember that day…or the love of her life.
Josiah Williams has a big secret and the residents of Cutter’s Creek love to speculate. When Josiah is accused of shooting his beloved, he can only do his best to finish the job he’s started and try to win his Penny back. He wants her to regain her memory and return to the woman she was, with his ring on her finger. But, is that too much to ask?
Penny Hanover had everything a girl in 1892 could want; a good job, a handsome man, and a ring as a promise. A normal night at the sweet shop turns terrifying as a gunman and a single shot rips her world apart. Penny wakes to find she can’t remember that day…or the love of her life.
Josiah Williams has a big secret and the residents of Cutter’s Creek love to speculate. When Josiah is accused of shooting his beloved, he can only do his best to finish the job he’s started and try to win his Penny back. He wants her to regain her memory and return to the woman she was, with his ring on her finger. But, is that too much to ask?