The renowned author of Yakshi creates a complex and fascinating world in the two novellas translated here. In 'Born Again', Advocate Sekharan is a successful criminal lawyer, plagued by the memory of his tyrannical father who outwitted him even in death. In 'Mridula Prabhu', a painter called Mukundan struggles to discover his past and the truth about the mysterious and fascinating woman who haunts his life—is she his wife, his mother or an enchantress...?
Reading Malayatoor Ramakrishnan is like journeying through a mysterious landscape which has no recognizable signposts. Truth, reality and sanity are all questioned when he delves into the psyche of his characters, making the experiences of their lives remarkable, and yet, somewhere, truly universal.
The renowned author of Yakshi creates a complex and fascinating world in the two novellas translated here. In 'Born Again', Advocate Sekharan is a successful criminal lawyer, plagued by the memory of his tyrannical father who outwitted him even in death. In 'Mridula Prabhu', a painter called Mukundan struggles to discover his past and the truth about the mysterious and fascinating woman who haunts his life—is she his wife, his mother or an enchantress...?
Reading Malayatoor Ramakrishnan is like journeying through a mysterious landscape which has no recognizable signposts. Truth, reality and sanity are all questioned when he delves into the psyche of his characters, making the experiences of their lives remarkable, and yet, somewhere, truly universal.