As Janie Tenner—embattled survivor of the planet's dwindling female population—learns the grim truths at the heart of the Divinity Cult's mission, she plots her escape...but finds little solidarity with her fellow captives.
Worse yet, when Janie meets a charismatic man of God called Samuel—divinely inspired to end the female drought, by any means necessary—she learns that salvation requires sacrifice, and that fate plays dirty.
Acclaimed novelist Joe Hart brings the engrossing dystopian paranoia of his popular Dominion series to the comics page in collaboration with award-winning comic book writer Stuart Moore and celebrated illustrator Michael Montenat .
As Janie Tenner—embattled survivor of the planet's dwindling female population—learns the grim truths at the heart of the Divinity Cult's mission, she plots her escape...but finds little solidarity with her fellow captives.
Worse yet, when Janie meets a charismatic man of God called Samuel—divinely inspired to end the female drought, by any means necessary—she learns that salvation requires sacrifice, and that fate plays dirty.
Acclaimed novelist Joe Hart brings the engrossing dystopian paranoia of his popular Dominion series to the comics page in collaboration with award-winning comic book writer Stuart Moore and celebrated illustrator Michael Montenat .