In his debut collection of short fiction, Nathan Leslie delivers a dark and scathing portrait of contemporary American society. Here, each gothic story reveals the vicious division of the sexes that lurks behind the glossy exterior of our everyday lives. Within this collection you will find a tale of a man stricken with vivid prophetic visions, a story of a tormented father who leads his son on a strange late-night journey through the woods, and another in which a man tries to sabotage his own wedding with a perfectly forged ring. Intense, urgent, and larger-than-life, these stories sketch the characters that lurk in the shadows of our strip-mall culture: phrenologists, tortured mystics, twisted egg collectors, spelunker bluesmen, control freaks, seedy yacht salesmen, and male escorts. Rants and Raves offers nothing less than a portrait of hell, a picture of an America about to implode.
In his debut collection of short fiction, Nathan Leslie delivers a dark and scathing portrait of contemporary American society. Here, each gothic story reveals the vicious division of the sexes that lurks behind the glossy exterior of our everyday lives. Within this collection you will find a tale of a man stricken with vivid prophetic visions, a story of a tormented father who leads his son on a strange late-night journey through the woods, and another in which a man tries to sabotage his own wedding with a perfectly forged ring. Intense, urgent, and larger-than-life, these stories sketch the characters that lurk in the shadows of our strip-mall culture: phrenologists, tortured mystics, twisted egg collectors, spelunker bluesmen, control freaks, seedy yacht salesmen, and male escorts. Rants and Raves offers nothing less than a portrait of hell, a picture of an America about to implode.