The "Work it out in a week" series is for busy people who value their time and want to live their lives to the full. Brief books for busy people yield fast results and long lasting life-changes. "Success at Sixty+" and "Your money" have set a trend of fast track problem-solving which is now followed by the next in the series "Christmas". "Christmas" is full of fun, recipes, ideas and games to make your festive season a brilliant success. It is excellent whether you are 27 or 72! Watch out for the next in the series on New Year's Resolutions
The "Work it out in a week" series is for busy people who value their time and want to live their lives to the full. Brief books for busy people yield fast results and long lasting life-changes. "Success at Sixty+" and "Your money" have set a trend of fast track problem-solving which is now followed by the next in the series "Christmas". "Christmas" is full of fun, recipes, ideas and games to make your festive season a brilliant success. It is excellent whether you are 27 or 72! Watch out for the next in the series on New Year's Resolutions