Powell Sci-Fi now offers the long awaited collection of imaginative fiction by an out-standing talent in the field. Charles Fritch's years of experiences as a free-lance writer reveals itself in these stories of horror and fantasy, sci-fi and the unknown.
Mr. Carlfi, in his Introduction to this book says: "It is difficult to point out stories in particular, but a few of my personal favorites are THE COG; BIRTHDAY PRESENT; BIG, WIDE WONDERFUL WORLD... He is...part of a circle of writers which included Chuck Beaumont, Ray Bradbury, Dirk Matheson, Bill Nolan..."
Nor will you want to miss all the rest of this "CRAZY MIXED-UP PLANET" that hopefully trill never be...ours!
Powell Sci-Fi now offers the long awaited collection of imaginative fiction by an out-standing talent in the field. Charles Fritch's years of experiences as a free-lance writer reveals itself in these stories of horror and fantasy, sci-fi and the unknown.
Mr. Carlfi, in his Introduction to this book says: "It is difficult to point out stories in particular, but a few of my personal favorites are THE COG; BIRTHDAY PRESENT; BIG, WIDE WONDERFUL WORLD... He is...part of a circle of writers which included Chuck Beaumont, Ray Bradbury, Dirk Matheson, Bill Nolan..."
Nor will you want to miss all the rest of this "CRAZY MIXED-UP PLANET" that hopefully trill never be...ours!