A grizzled detective haunted by his failures, an outer space marshal facing down corporate corruption, an unlucky man meets an even unluckier man on a lonely stretch of road...these three tales of larceny and lawbreaking make up the meat of Felony Comics #2, the follow up to last year's critically acclaimed first issue.
Also features a tale of children's crime by junior crime expert Benjamin Urkowitz and a DIGITAL EXCLUSIVE pinup by Amy Searles .
The cover is by the award winning Rich Tommaso , and the stories are by Pete Toms , Josh Burggraf , Harris Smith and Thomas Slattery .
A grizzled detective haunted by his failures, an outer space marshal facing down corporate corruption, an unlucky man meets an even unluckier man on a lonely stretch of road...these three tales of larceny and lawbreaking make up the meat of Felony Comics #2, the follow up to last year's critically acclaimed first issue.
Also features a tale of children's crime by junior crime expert Benjamin Urkowitz and a DIGITAL EXCLUSIVE pinup by Amy Searles .
The cover is by the award winning Rich Tommaso , and the stories are by Pete Toms , Josh Burggraf , Harris Smith and Thomas Slattery .